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These are transcripts of communication between me and my friend the main energy reader for our group. This is when Sexual Freedom came in design. one technique in the communication that you can use is creating your own dowsing scale with pendulum or if you know Radionics. Hope, you get a touch of how energy levels can fall and how you can change it for-ever. or if it ever fell how to change the outcome.

Dowsing scale??

What is Fall of Tree of lIfe??

How is it possible?

Why do negative act that creates fall??

So if you did something wrong, can we change it?


1: Dosing scale is created with pendulum. give a scale to the diameter of circle pendulum spins to (i use 0to 12. closkwise +12 and anticlockwise is taken as upto-12). ask the energy of a particular emotions thing, disease or as you like to standardize. there is no standard scale. you need to make you own.

Ascension completes when you are a stable +5

Zohar +7 and above

Complete planetary ascension +10 above

Peace around +5/6

Innocence +10

Normal humans live in -2 to +1 (old scale before last major energy shifts)

Depression or mental problems -3 and below

diseaase start forming below -5

Shame -14

Guilt -12

Trauma not sure -6

2: Tree of life

Tree designates your life and personality attributes. everyone has a healthy one as children. now you know what can create a fall. a very negative experince or something that can create shame or negtive emotions or multiple of them can make a fall. 

Child abuse a common example. creates both shame and guilt. affects both the victim and culprit.


3: How the fall?

Induction of a low frequency by any act of self or other can create the fall.


Sexual Freedom was written in this time as the perinium is one major anchor that harmonizes the energies in body. it holds all the negative emotions. This session was offered to realign the point and release all such negative held up experinces.


4: Why??

I requested the reader-my friend to check what this session can do? while she scanned she came up angry and furious. she said the entire earth is filled with this sexual abuse energy and it is very common than we ever know. a mjor reason of fall of entire collective.she was furious enough to state that i am wasting time over this humanity.i shouldnt scar my body and life trying lift other's energies because even if the energy is lifted they will again create it. and she asked why people do it? I could sense the pain of what she read and as a female she can feel it as the collective feminine.

Her fury made me to get in and scan for the outcome to the Universe. this is rare for me to Read.

The answer.

'Knowledge' even it brings Punishment and fall is the Utter need and the controlling point.

Any such act will create instant fall to both and there is no reversal unless one reaches self realizations. The fall creates a constant energy scale of -12 and then multiple negative emotions.

But the final outcome shows a Knowledge of +100 scale Knowledge which also means energy that is Source level. It may take years or many lives to reach back but is faster to +100 or source than the Linear way. The Outcome is gift to both as they are connected.

This is what was described as Tree of Knowledge.


5: If there is such experince and emotion how to shift?

Due to multiple negative feedback loops its a tough job. but resistancce makes it harder.

Acceptance is the first key. Accept of what is and then choose to heal and shift.


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  • @Vishnu: I am aware of Reflexology and Muscle testing. The scale is use is no different just the numbers I use is a different scale because dowsing also depends on the Knowing of Your body and Reflexes...

    True, always go with you Gut feelings, this is an unknown space we are stepping in and the only direction is the Heart. Even if people say other ways, always follow your Gut or say What you feel right...
    Even I write as per the directions i get in my feelings...

  • Sukhendu im reminded few years back , online lectures given by energy workers where they mentioned book Power Vs Force(i havent read) by Stephen Hopkins where Stephen tried to measure persons consciousness  on a scale from 0 to 100 guess muscle testing was used. The lower emotions measured just above 0, while positive emotions had more value guess love was at 50 etc & enlightened masters measured 100. It might be divine synchronicity that the standard u used had 100+ value equaling Source knowledge similar to his work.But After taking Seed of Life practically feel i need to stop to take any more higher attunements  which in case Source might guide in future like 150 + or 200 + & rather i should give myself more time to integrate the attunements more effectively & harmoniously on all levels in coming weeks/months.

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