Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
- Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
- Location: worldwide
- Latest Activity: Sep 26, 2024
Elohim Initiation (LightWorker™ Series)
This initiation is one of the many, channelled by Dr. Joshua David Stone.
Who are the Elohim
Seven Mighty Elohim and the Five Elohim of the Secret Rays The
Elohim are the highest individualization and manifestation of the
The Seven Mighty Elohim and their feminine counter-parts are the
original builders of form. Hence, Elohim is the name of God used in the
first verse of the Bible: “In the beginning, God [Elohim] created the
heaven and the earth.”
There are five Elohim who surround the white-fire core of the Great
Central Sun. They represent Mighty Cosmos’ five ‘secret rays’ and the
corresponding ‘secret-ray’ chakras.
To receive this Attunement just say (mentally or outloud): "I'm now ready to receive Elohim Initiation prepared for my by Elisabeth Lilly".
Here is the manual:
Love, Light & Blessings,
Elisabeth Lilly
thank you!
Thank you so much for this. Love and blessings.
Thank you Lisa for giving this initiation
Many blessings.
Light and blessings infinite!
Dear Sohiniben, dear Anil Doshi, dear Kali,
you are more than welcome!
Dear Elizabeth,
To day I have taken Initiation form you.....
Felt good and the Mannual for all the details....
Thanks for your support and Love....
Hello Elisabeth Lilly, Thanks for this wonderful Elohim attunement. Namaste !
Anil Doshi
Dear Elizabeth,
I love Elohims.....
Thanks for this Event.....
I will do it with pleasure.....
God Bless you....
With Love & Light,