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Ascension of 91 Attunement


Attention this attunement could be called only until April 18th, 2012

As you know vibrations of the earth change with processes of mass ascension and more higher lights coming to earth and if you want or not they will affect us to change us to a higher degree of vibration and consciousness


This attunement is channeled according to Persian calendar, Persian calendar is solar, The Persian new Year begins with first day of spring, time of renewal and reborn of nature!

This year is year 1391 of solar calendar of Persia and sync with 2012 that’s very important time of ascension!

The attunement Is given according to Persian calendar to attune you to new higher energies of ascension that are coming to earth better and sooner so you can get attuned to higher vibrations sooner !


Calling attunement:

1-    Prepare , wash your face and hands

2-    Deep breath and relax completely

3-    Ask protection and guidance of God and beings of light etc..

Call in attunement by  saying in your heart “ I now call in “Ascension of 91 Attunement” prepared by Mahacita Bahuruci , Thanks !


Wish you all the best


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  • Is this attunement still active? I noticed it was out of date.

  • Dear Mahacita Bahuruci,

    I think I am the last person to take thia attunements....

    Thanks a lot....Because I was gided by our Masters to come here....and lo, Benefited......

    With Love; Light and Blessings,


  • Thank you so much. Love. Daniel

  • Thanks

  • thanks for introducing , it's great !

  • @ Marie, he has many Cd's.  The most recent is "The astounding eyes of Rita".  It is less traditional Oud music and very charming.  Some of his other stuff is a bit minimalist, but I love it.  Type in Sufi music...The astounding eyes of Rita on Utube and you can hear some of his songs.  I think you will enjoy it :)

  • Thank you Mahacita

    Dear Indra, can you give me the name of a CD with the music you are talking about ? or a Youtube Link to discover this music ?


  • Thank you so much Mahacita,  I still listen to the Golden Honeybee has opened me up to so much wonderful Sufi/middle Eastern music I did not know about.  I really love Anouar Brahem, I listen to his music daily.  Thank you for expanding my awareness.

  • Yes! it's just a simple empowerment and attuning to new energies , no activation needed later , just call in attunement !

    Blessings to You

  • thank you very much

    Is there any manual ? or shall we just call in the attunement by saying the above sentence ? anything else to do afterwords, to call in those energies or are they just 'activated" in our body to adapt our self to the new energy of Gaia ?

    Thank you , Marie

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